Our story

We’re passionate about reaching men and women in prison

Motivated by our faith, we seek to support inmates and their families, and restore even the most broken lives. 

In all we do, we seek to bring a message of hope and change for prisoners, ex-offenders and their families.

Chuck Colson

In 1974 Charles “Chuck” Colson, former chief counsel to President Nixon, was imprisoned for obstruction of justice during the Watergate inquiry. In prison, Colson saw and experienced the difference faith in Jesus makes in people’s lives. He became convinced that the real solution to crime is found through spiritual renewal.

When Colson walked free seven months later, he had a new mission in life: To reach men and women behind bars, and give them the opportunity to turn their lives around through Christ.

Prison Fellowship in the US was founded in 1976, and expanded internationally three years later. By 1981 Australia was the third chartered member of Prison Fellowship International.  

We rely on over 700 volunteers who visit prisoners, run camps, provide Christmas presents for the children of inmates, support ex-prisoners upon release, facilitate programs in prisons, play sports, facilitate in-prison Bible studies, and lots more.

Today, Prison Fellowship International works in 117 countries around the world, and is the largest association of national Christian ministries working within the criminal justice field.



Chuck Colson pleads guilty to obstruction of justice


Prison Fellowship founded in the United States


Chuck Colson visits Australia


A devoted team of men and women around Australia begin


Prison Fellowship Australia begins and becomes the 3rd member of Prison Fellowship International


Our vision remains the same – To share the gospel of Jesus Christ with prisoners and their families.