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Restoration Hubs

Places of welcome, transformation, and healing

Restoration Hubs are unique churches that welcome inmates and their families… places where the most broken lives can be healed and made whole again.

I went along to Bridge Church in Richmond and I met with the team there. I told them my whole story, and it didn’t faze them. It was really restorative for me. That acceptance in that community was really important - the church was pivotal as a support network, to being needed in life. I think everyone needs to feel a sense of belonging, of being needed. Being part of a church gives us this sense of being part of something, of being in relationship with God and with other believers.
Michael, ex-inmate

What does a Restoration Hub do?


Restoration Hubs deliberately and wholeheartedly pray for those affected by incarceration


Genuine friendship, community, and ongoing discipleship are offered to inmates and those who have a loved one behind bars


Restoration Hubs commission volunteers into the call of God


Restoration Hubs encourage and equip people to welcome ex-inmates and their families


Restoration Hubs are fully resourced by Prison Fellowship and support the cost of their volunteer training

Restoring Lives Together

Restoration Hubs invite churches just like yours
to journey alongside us in welcoming former
inmates, mobilising volunteers,
and deepening passion, prayer,
and resourcing for those Jesus
has called us to care for in-prison.

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