Stories of hope

Meet the Board: Ruth McCrindle

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Ruth McCrindle

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Name: Ruth McCrindle

Occupation: Solicitor

Why do you love Prison Fellowship? This ministry has a heart for the people that much of our society ignores. As a solicitor I have had the opportunity to work with victims of crime and with inmates. Prison Fellowship is a ministry after Jesus’ own heart, going where others don’t.

How many years have you been on the Prison Fellowship board? I joined the Prison Fellowship board in February 2020-right before the Covid tidal wave struck! I am just a newbie and I am so inspired by those who have served for years or decades as volunteers, supporters, members of PFA and board members.

How have you seen God change someone’s life through Prison Fellowship? I was inspired after reading the writing and testimony of Chuck Colson and I have heard amazing stories of lives transformed through Jesus’ love in Australia through the ministry of Prison Fellowship here. Prison Fellowship is uniquely positioned to bring the Gospel to inmates, their families and justice staff.

What would you say to someone thinking about supporting or volunteering with Prison Fellowship? As so many of you know the impact that this ministry has on you is transforming. You have the unique opportunity to journey with inmates and share Jesus’ love. You are blessed by being a blessing!


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