Prison Fellowship exists to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with prisoners and their families
We’re passionate about reaching men and women in prison as we seek to support them and their families, and restore even the most broken lives.
In all we do, we seek to bring a message of hope and change for prisoners, ex-offenders, and their families.

Our Values
We are united in our belief in Jesus Christ. We respect the diversity of Christian church traditions, history and culture. We affirm the importance of church life and of the role to be played by churches in fulfilling our vision.
We conduct ourselves transparently and honestly. We are stewards of the resources that God has provided, accountable to God, the State, and each other.
We express the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ for all mankind, through service to others. We promote participation in our ministry by volunteers.

Our faith
Our motivation for this mission is based on the love of Jesus Christ, who died for the forgiveness of our sins and offers salvation to all who believe in Him.
We believe that every human being is made in the image of God and is therefore deserving of dignity and respect.
Through our programs and initiatives we strive to share the love of Christ, the hope of his gospel, and the transformation it brings to all who embrace it.
We believe that this transformation occurs through the power of the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of individuals, and it is our privilege to join in this transformative work.