This heartfelt letter from a mother to her son in prison illustrates the deep longing for togetherness thousands of families experience when a loved one goes to prison, particularly at Christmas time. Last Christmas, Maria* chose to honour her son by donating to Angel Tree so two families could be blessed with a Christmas gift on behalf of their loved one in prison.
My Dearest Eldest Son,
Christmas is not the same without you.
It’s definitely not as fun without your smile and laughter. It’s impossible to be truly happy celebrating, knowing that you are celebrating Christmas in jail.
I pray that this is the last Christmas without you because of jail.
Christmas has always been a time of year we share with family. I have been so proud and loved so much that you have never missed a Christmas with family! Although that does not surprise me – you have always loved Christmas.
My most treasured memories are you waking up on the 1st of December, and seeing the house decorated. I have never seen your smile so big and eyes so wide seeing the Christmas decorations- priceless, also made staying up all night hanging all the decorations so worth it!!
I am not sure if you know that you never missed one Christmas day with Scary Grandad or Nana Trouble. It’s only when they are gone you realise how very precious, and what a privilege it is to spend Christmas with family. We were very privileged when Nana Trouble stopped having Christmas lunch at her house after Poppy passed away, she chose to spend Christmas with us.
You have always loved the magic of Christmas – don’t ever stop loving Christmas – your love makes Christmas magical for the rest of us. I am sure it was a big part of why Nana Trouble always chose to be with us for Christmas.
Our family has been blessed with so many happy Christmas Days and no doubt so many more in the future.
Donating an Angel Tree Gift to Prison Fellowship is the perfect thing to do to honour you this Christmas. Giving $70 for two children to receive a Christmas present from a parent in jail.
My Beautiful Baby Boy – Merry Christmas.
Miss and love you more than words can say.
Your Mumma xoxo
*Names have been changed for privacy
Give a generous gift today to bless children with a parent in prison.