
Donate today!

Your donation today will help share the gospel of Jesus Christ with prisoners and their families.

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You can give directly into Prison Fellowship’s bank account
BSB: 083-004
Account No: 86 300 9174
Reference: FirstNameSurnameDonorNumberState 
If you don’t know your donor number, or are giving for the first time, please email to let us know you’ve made a donation to ensure it is allocated correctly.
Please call 03 9848 1224 or email to confirm your direct deposit.

Include Prison Fellowship in your Will

Learn more about how to include Prison Fellowship in your Will today. 

“I'd like to say thank you - you have changed my life! Just helping one person is awesome, but Prison Fellowship helps a lot of people! Keep dong what you're doing. Other people hate inmates, but Prison Fellowship care about us.”
Chris, ex-inmate